It has been over a year since I blogged last. Why restart now? Why deal with the headaches of comment spam? What am I going to get out of a blog? Blogs aint free.
Excuse me, did you think a wordpress blog is free? Besides paying the obvious cost of registering a domain and monthly hosting there are big costs associated with any blog. You need to spend considerable time working and writing on the blog. Time is money especially for a internet consultants that charge by the hour and for affiliate marketers that need as much time as possible to build out their network of sites.
A blog also goes along way to defining your brand and reputation. A crappy blog will scare away potential business. So smart people will invest $$$ into an impressive design full of cool website tricks. Having an impressive design makes you look more impressive and attract more buisiness. Yes, I know its stupid that when people see someone else’s good design work they think you are smart. You should never underestimate public stupidity how else can you explain the countless so called SEO experts with flash only websites.
Since blogs cost so much time and money lets look at some possible reasons why I am blogging again:
Make Money Selling Blog Advertising – I like money, ALOT. I would love if I could make money with a blog. This sounds like a great idea until you remember that we are in a recession and that it is easier to find a nymphomaniac swedish bikini model than it is to find someone willing to spend money advertising.
I’m an Attention Whore – Look at me, look at me, puh-lease look at me. I would love to be a famous celebrity with people buying me drinks wherever I go. I learned along time ago I was not born with the celebrity gene. My mother cringes when she looks at me. When my wife needs help falling asleep she asks me to tell an interesting story and guaranteed she will zonk out in seconds. So much for having any chance of gaining a cult following.
Combating Boredom – This sounds like a possible contender. I have been working very hard to successfully increase traffic on my sites only to still see the profits fall (granted they are falling alot less than if I did nothing). I hate this recession. Companies aint advertising and consumers aint buying like they used to.
I guess I will use boredom as my excuse to why I am starting to blog again. Since I am bored what will inspire me to blog? Should I start highlighting the bargains and scams in internet marketing? Maybe I’ll interview my friends and share the details of what is in their tool boxes that allows them to be so succesful? I could go with a cliche mud slinging fight. We’ll see what inspires real soon…
ps since i have not maintained my blog for a very long time there are many things not optimized or even working properly. hopefully i’ll find time to addess those issues over the next few weeks.